Banking Building Services

Banking building services are a niche area of our business with financial facilities frequently located in old buildings needing retrofitting or brand new purpose-built premises affording us the opportunity to innovate with sustainable solutions.

Banking buildings are dependent on a number of services to function effectively and efficiently and we pride ourselves on our reputation for delivering excellent service.

Financial services buildings are used by a huge variety of people, all of whom deserve the highest levels of health, comfort and safety during their time there as employees or customers.

A focus on sustainability features heavily in the banking sector as it tries to be a trendsetter in the area of green economic recovery.

As the banking world is constantly evolving, so too are its buildings and their services and systems.

The health, safety and comfort of all such building users are key considerations as owners and developers equip and maintain building systems.

Efficient heating and ventilation systems are vital to ensure the air quality is in peak condition as breathing clean air is important whilst spending time in indoor environments.

Suitable levels of lighting are a must for users of banking buildings as they provide a place of work for many people who spend prolonged periods of time inside them on a daily basis and customers want to experience a well-lit environment when dealing with money.

Likewise, communication networks need to be secure and efficient in banking premises – something our team is specialised in delivering.

And excellent fire and security systems for their peace of mind are all catered for by our teams in their advice and service maintenance work.

Our building services experience is key to ensuring the health, safety and comfort of residents in banking buildings around the world.

Our teams provide excellent service to ensure that all banking buildings are as compliant as possible with international building standards and provide a positive and green-focused environment in which to work.

Our building services engineers focus on a range of issues that collectively create the optimum environment for all users.

They apply scientific principles and comply with a broad range of policies relating to the safety, efficiency and comfort of buildings.

Aspects of a building that they are concerned with include:

  • Daylight and artificial lighting.
  • Escalators and lifts.
  • Ventilation and refrigeration.
  • Security and alarm systems.
  • Fire detection and protection.
  • Energy supply and use.
  • Communications networks.
  • Facade engineering.
  • Heating and ventilating.
  • Water, drainage and plumbing.
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration.

Our building services teams operate across the UK and with international clients servicing hundreds of banking premises.

BSG prides itself on sourcing sustainable solutions for clients and our work will help all banking facilities improve their organisation’s carbon footprint and foster a feeling of positive environmental awareness among users.

We have an extensive list of satisfied clients from across the financial services sector who will vouch for the professionalism of our building services.

Whatever your location, contact us today to discuss your building services requirements and our team will be happy to help you create a safe, efficient, healthy and comfortable environment for the people using it.